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St. Helena Brain Injury Lawyer


There has been a tremendous influx of research dollars into medical research projects related to neurological damage. This has yielded new diagnostic options and treatment plans that have helped treat the complications of traumatic brain injuries and prevent them from happening in the first place.

In contrast, head and brain injuries are still prevalent, and their complications can be lifelong. These consequences are felt not only by the individuals but also by their family and friends. Thus, everyone must understand some basic information regarding traumatic brain injuries to prepare for their loved ones.

Our law firm is committed to helping TBI patients and their families seek justice. You might be eligible for compensation if someone else’s negligence harmed you or your loved one. Contact our St. Helena brain injury lawyers today for a free consultation regarding your potential claim and options for recovery moving forward.

What are the Most Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries?

One of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to treat traumatic brain injuries is to make sure they don’t don’t in the first place. This starts with understanding how neurological damage can occur. Unfortunately, TBIs can happen when people least expect them. Some of the most common mechanisms of traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Fall IncidentsSlip and fall injuries can lead to a TBI. Most people have fallen at some point in life; however, some falls are more severe than others. If people slip on a wet floor or an icy sidewalk, they might be unable to brace their impact, which could cause their head to strike a stair, curb, or hard surface.
  • Motor Vehicle AccidentsAuto accidents are the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries. While seatbelts reduce the frequency of traumatic injuries, there is no restraint for the head. This could lead to an impact against the dashboard, door, or window, leading to a brain injury.
  • Blast InjuriesOften overlooked, explosions from fires, gas leaks, or motor vehicle accidents could also lead to traumatic brain injuries. People can be hurled long distances by the backdraft or have their heads damaged by the sonic blast, which can lead to serious neurological injuries.

Undoubtedly, an individual might suffer a head injury in numerous other ways. Therefore, it is essential to understand how a brain injury might present. The sooner the head injury is recognized, the faster treatment can begin.

Common Symptoms of Head Trauma

When someone has suffered a blow to the head or neck area, signs and symptoms could indicate that a traumatic brain injury has occurred. Some of the things that a medical professional will look for include the following:

  • A persistent headache, sometimes described as the “”worst in my life.”” An immediate or delayed loss of consciousness.
  • Confusion, disorientation, or altered mental status.
  • Memory loss.
  • Possible blood coming from the eyes, ears, or nose.
  • An obvious deformity in the skull.
  • The trouble with hearing or vision.
Why Getting Medical Treatment After an Accident is Important

Unfortunately, a TBI could also go unnoticed. Sometimes, an individual might not show signs or symptoms of a traumatic brain injury until minutes, hours, or even days after an accident. This can sometimes make it hard to link an accident in the distant past to current medical problems. For this reason, it is critical to understand some of the complications that could accompany a TBI.

The video below shows how Sam Schmid inspired others when he made international headlines in 2011 after miraculously recovering from near-fatal brain injuries.

Potential Complications of a TBI

Because the brain is responsible for nearly all of the body’s functions, complications could arise. A few of the most common complications from a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Retrograde or anterograde memory loss
  • Early-onset dementia, such as Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s including loss of judgment, inhibition, and executive functioning
  • Permanent changes in the ability to hear or see
  • A possible permanent loss of certain motor or sensory functions
  • Recurrent infections
  • Chronic pain

These complications can make it hard for a family to resume everyday life. Loved ones could be under tremendous stress after a family member has suffered a neurological injury. Fortunately, there are trained professionals who can provide assistance to those in need.

How an Attorney Can Help with a Brain Injury Case

Those dealing with a traumatic brain injury might have much anxiety over the uncertain future. They could need assistance in finding gainful employment or applying for benefits. Perhaps they just need someone to help them review their options. For this reason, meeting with a traumatic brain injury lawyer in St. Helena is an essential first step. Some of the ways that an injury lawyer can help include:

  • Investigate the circumstances around the accident and TBI to ensure no details have been missed.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies and banks to ensure all benefits are paid out and all bills are taken care of.
  • Ensuring negligent parties are held accountable for their actions (or inaction).
  • Taking the case to trial in Napa County, if this is needed.

Families who process a head or brain injury should know they aren’t alone. An experienced St. Helena, CA, traumatic brain attorney can help individuals and their loved ones review their options, ensuring they make the most appropriate decision for their interests. You and your family could be deserving of a financial award.

Call a Brain Injury Lawyer in St. Helena, CA

If you suffered head trauma in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, our St. Helena brain injury lawyers can review the details of your TBI case and provide free, friendly advice on your potential legal options for recovery. Call (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. See our case history of verdicts and settlements.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.16.23]Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay [cs 970]