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Redding Brain Injury Lawyer


Those with firsthand experience dealing with a traumatic brain injury are well aware of the profound impact it can have on a person’s life and those close to them. Such a severe injury can not only strip away one’s ability to work and support their family but also hinder their ability to partake in activities that bring them joy.

Brain injuries vary in their extent, ranging from temporary changes to long-term, life-altering events. In some cases, individuals may never fully recover to their pre-injury state. Additionally, sustaining a brain injury can result in intensive care unit (ICU) stays or surgeries, leading to significant financial burdens. This can strain families immensely, mainly when complications arise with insurance companies and the patient’s loved ones.

If you or someone you love has experienced a traumatic brain injury due to an accident in Redding, we encourage you to contact our legal team at (530) 392-9400 for a complimentary consultation without any obligations.

What Defines a Traumatic Brain Injury?

In the medical literature, many different terms describe brain injuries. Professionals can exchange terms such as “head injury,” “traumatic brain injury,” and “brain injury” interchangeably. Patients should know that any word used to describe forceful contact to the face or head area has the potential to cause a brain injury.

For example, a patient may suffer consequential, direct, blunt-force trauma to the head from anything ranging from a fist to a baseball bat. This would be described as a closed head injury because the injury did not break through the bony skull that protects the brain; however, the force could still be enough to cause the brain to strike the head, leading to a brain injury.

On the other hand, some patients may receive a gunshot or a knife wound to the skull, breaking the surface. This would be described as a penetrating injury that can damage the brain through direct contact.

What are the Leading Causes of Brain Injuries in the United States?

There are many different ways that someone might suffer a head or brain injury. Examples of common accidents that cause traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Vehicular Accidents: If someone strikes their head on the dashboard, steering wheel, or window, this can lead to a closed head injury. It is possible that someone could be thrown from the vehicle if the person was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, leading to a life-threatening head injury.
  • Sports Injuries: Concussion in various sports, particularly football, has been in the spotlight recently. Some players may not even notice that they suffered a head injury; however, any collision at high speed can cause brain damage.
  • Assault: A physical assault can cause both penetrating and closed-head injuries. Even babies can suffer a brain injury from something called shaken-baby syndrome. If a baby is shaken, the brain rattles back and forth inside the skull cavity, causing damage.
  • Slip and Fall Injuries: While some people may brush off slip and fall injuries as common accidents, they can cause brain damage if someone doesn’t break their fall. If the head strikes the floor or pavement, this can cause brain injury.

This list is incomplete, but it represents common ways someone might suffer a brain injury.

How Long After a Head Injury Can Symptoms Show Up?

Patients and their families must know that some brain injuries manifest themselves immediately while others may take several hours to become apparent. After the initial blow to the head, someone may think they’re fine; however, someone may experience subtle changes over the next few hours. Their emotional state could change, and they may start complaining about minor issues. They may not see or hear things that they would otherwise catch. The patient and those around them must watch for these changes and seek medical attention at the first sign of trouble.

Symptoms of Head Trauma

Brain injuries can range in severity, and patients should understand that a brain injury may lead to some, all, or none of the symptoms described below. Examples of potential signs include:

  • Emotional changes and mood swings
  • Cluster headaches, migraines, or tension headaches
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Lack of orientation to self, place, time, or purpose
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
What are the Common Symptoms of a Severe TBI?

Patients who have suffered a more severe and immediately apparent brain injury could undergo the following:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Lack of ability to focus on simple tasks
  • Loss of old memories and an inability to form new ones
  • Lack of ability to coordinate simple muscle movements
  • Seizures
  • Trouble standing, walking, or running
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision loss with abnormal eye movements (nystagmus)
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Death

Because the symptoms of brain injuries can vary markedly from case to case, everyone should seek expert medical attention if they suffer a blow to the head. A delay in medical care could adversely affect the final outcome and leave the patient with potentially avoidable yet now permanent brain damage. Meeting with a Redding brain injury attorney is also a good idea.

Watch the Ted Talk video: A Brain Injury is Like a Fingerprint, No Two Are Alike. Kevin Pearce, a former professional snowboarder, shares his inspirational story of overcoming a traumatic brain injury.

Contact our Redding Brain Injury Attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries can stress the lives of patients, their friends, and their families. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to an accident, please call our experienced Redding brain injury lawyers at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for friendly, free advice. See our verdicts and settlements.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 5.19.23]Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay dr bw [cs 958]