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Lincoln Brain Injury Lawyer


The first few moments for someone who has suffered a head and brain injury can be unnerving. They may not understand what has happened to them. The breadth and depth of these injuries make them so terrifying for the patient and their loved ones. Therefore, it is essential to understand a few of the basics regarding neurological damage, including the cause of the brain injury, the first steps in stabilizing the injury, and the treatment of the injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident due to negligence, please call our experienced Lincoln brain injury attorneys at (916) 921-6400 or (808) 404-5400 for a free consultation.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Those who have sustained a concussion while playing sports understand that the symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can vary widely from person to person and from injury to injury. This diversity of symptoms can often be traced back to the mechanism of injury. A few of the common causes include:

  • Competitive Athletics: As alluded to above, sports can lead to someone suffering a traumatic brain injury. Football seems to take a lot of attention; however, it is more important to highlight that even elementary school children can sustain a concussion playing sports. With this in mind, it is vital for anyone playing competitive sports to take the proper safety precautions every time out. Furthermore, remain hydrated so that there isn’t a loss of focus during the run of play. This is how injuries happen.
  • Pedestrian Injuries: Without a doubt, pedestrians can get hit by bicycles and motor vehicles while crossing the street. This can lead to numerous injuries, including neurological damage. If someone strikes their skull on the sidewalk, pavement, or another vehicle, they can suffer severe brain damage. It could even lead to intracerebral hemorrhage. This could cause serious consequences for the patient and their loved ones.
  • Injuries at Work: Many careers place employees at risk for head injuries. For example, anyone who works at a great height is at risk of falling. Think about people who build skyscrapers, repair power lines, and work on the roofs of people’s houses. On the other hand, brain injuries aren’t limited to manual labor jobs. Even a tumble down the staircase could lead to brain damage. People should keep their wits about them at all times.
The First Steps in a Brain Injury Case

When a medical professional is concerned about a traumatic brain injury, the most important moments will be the ones immediately after the injury is sustained. These steps are going to happen rapidly, and knowledge of these steps will help the patient and their family understand what is going on:

  • Stabilize the Patient First: The doctor will assess the patient’s vitals first. The physician will check to ensure the patient’s heart is beating, that they are breathing independently, and that their airway is intact. Next, the doctor will examine the patient’s oxygen saturation and blood pressure to ensure oxygen reaches the body’s vital organs, such as the brain. If the patient cannot breathe at all, they could be intubated.
  • Neurological Assessment: Then, the physician will assess the symptoms specific to brain injury. Sight, hearing, motor, and sensory functions will be examined. The patient will be asked to perform a few quick mental tasks while also being asked to perform some physical maneuvers. If there is a concern for a severe injury, imaging, such as an MRI, could be warranted. Bleeding, swelling, and bruising could be seen on this scan.
  • Surgery Could be Necessary: If there is an immediate concern for a severe complication, such as a herniation, the patient could be sent to the operating room. There, neurosurgeons could be asked to perform a craniotomy to relieve the pressure inside of the head until the swelling goes down. This could prevent lethal herniation.

The following YouTube video provides an overview of a traumatic brain injury.

Treating a Brain Injury Can Be Costly

Unfortunately, medical care for brain injuries is not cheap. There are many sources of bills, including:

  • Medical Care: Medical care for any brain injury is expensive; however, this could be taken to another level if surgery and an ICU stay are needed.
  • Rehabilitation Visits: After the patient has been discharged, visits to rehab professionals could be necessary. Some insurance providers may not cover these visits.
  • Chronic Complications: Many patients have chronic complications that may preclude their ability to return to work. What happens if families reach a lifetime limit on their insurance plans?

These are some of the many sources of financial stress that families could face following a traumatic brain injury. Contact an injury lawyer to help recover compensation for future medical needs and other expenses.

Lincoln Brain Accident FAQ

How do I know if I have suffered a brain injury?

Brain damage doesn’t appear immediately unlike other injuries sustained in an accident. You may not have been aware of a brain injury. But as time goes by, you struggle with perception abilities or movement. Remembering details or making decisions becomes challenging and may only be the beginning of serious medical problems. It is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a head injury.

Why do I need a lawyer for my brain injury case?

Traumatic brain injury lawsuits tend to be highly complicated legal proceedings with multiple moving parts, filing deadlines, etc. Hiring an experienced accident attorney to represent your interests in court is strongly recommended. You should focus on healing and spending time with your family. We’ll handle the complicated legal work and are happy to do it. We’ve represented people in personal injury and wrongful death cases since 1982. Contact our law office to schedule a no-cost, confidential case review.

Contact Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Lincoln, CA

If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury, please call our experienced Lincoln brain injury lawyers at (916) 921-6400 or (808) 404-5400 for friendly, free advice.

We are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Association of Distinguished Counsel.

See a list of our past cases on our verdicts and settlements page and our client reviews on Avvo, Yelp, Google.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.15.23] Image: By “sbtlneet” via Pixabay dr bw [cs 1055]