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Antelope Brain Injury Lawyer


Accidents that happen unexpectedly often cause the most serious injuries. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a prime example of this. These are severe medical problems that can make it difficult or impossible for someone to think, speak, and even put their life at risk. Brain damage can lead to long-lasting medical issues that change a person’s life permanently.

It’s important to understand how someone can get a head or brain injury. This knowledge helps those affected to be ready for what comes next and take proactive steps to cope with the situation.

If you or a loved one has suffered severe head trauma in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, we encourage you to call our experienced legal team at (916) 921-6400 for a free case consultation.

How Brain Injuries Can Occur

While many people think about neurological damage associated with sports, such as football or soccer, brain injuries can also occur during everyday activities.

  • Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians walking down the street or crossing the road shouldn’t worry about being struck by a motor vehicle. After all, pedestrians almost always have the right of way; however, pedestrian injuries are one of many ways someone can develop brain damage. If a pedestrian is hit by a motor vehicle, the front of the car is often at the level of the pedestrian’s hip. As the pedestrian’s hips are forced backward, the rest of their body will reflexively slide forward. This means the pedestrian’s head and face will impact the car’s hood or the windshield. After this, the pedestrian will likely slide off the vehicle and strike the ground, possibly causing another impact on the head region. The combination of these impacts often results in severe brain damage.
  • Slip and Fall Accidents: These are often overlooked as a cause of traumatic brain injuries because most people who fall get up again without incident; however, slip and fall accidents can potentially cause traumatic brain injuries. If someone slips and falls backward, they lose the ability to brace their fall with their hands and wrists because they cannot see the ground. This means that the first part of the patient’s body to strike the ground is often the back of the head. This vulnerable position can lead to a brain injury with devastating consequences.
  • Workplace Accidents: People who work with heavy machinery regularly, such as construction workers, risk injury. Inadequately maintained equipment, overlooked safety procedures, and even fall injuries can lead to employees suffering from brain injuries while on the job. They could even lead to wrongful death. People should take extra care to ensure that any equipment they work with has been appropriately maintained. They should also take proper safety precautions to protect themselves from harm.
Medical Therapy for Brain Injuries

As people recover from brain injuries, their doctor could prescribe several medications for traumatic brain injuries to help patients control any symptoms.

  • Diuretics: Many people take diuretics to control blood pressure and urine output. Some patients who suffer a neurological insult or injury will take diuretics short-term to keep the blood pressure in their brains intact. As the brain recovers, it will be vulnerable to being harmed by unsafe swings in blood pressure. Diuretics will help to manage blood pressure. Patients will notice an increase in urine output while taking these medications.
  • Anti-Seizure Medications: People who suffer brain damage run the risk of developing seizures. This rapid, uncoordinated firing of neurons can lead to further neurological damage. Therefore, patients may be asked to take anti-seizure medications to protect their brains from other harm.
  • Pain Medications: Neurological damage can lead to the development of chronic pain. As patients recover from brain damage, they may be given pain medications to help them control their symptoms. Doctors will start low (with non-narcotic drugs) and go slow (increase the dose gradually). This helps to balance control of the patient’s symptoms with the potential risk of creating an addictive behavior.
Rehabilitation is Often Necessary

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury is unlike any other recovery process. Patients must work hard to regain control of lost motor or sensory function. Patients may have to go to physical or occupational therapy for an extended period as they fight to restore skills they once took for granted. This could be a challenging process, depending on the severity of the injury and the skills that may have been lost. It could be restoring the range of motion in an isolated joint or teaching patients how to walk, eat, and write.

Every patient’s recovery process differs, and their long-term care will be individually tailored to their circumstances. Patients must take the time to go to their follow-up appointments regularly to ensure the best outcome possible. Every patient’s prognosis is different and should be discussed individually with his or her physician.

The video below details how new technology treats traumatic brain injuries.

Call Our Brain Injury Attorneys in Antelope, CA

There is no shortage of ways that someone can wind up with a traumatic brain injury. If you or a loved one has developed a traumatic brain injury from a preventative accident, please contact our experienced Antelope brain injury lawyers at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for friendly, free advice.

See a list of past cases on our verdicts and settlements page.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 5.18.23] Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash dr bw [cs 915]